Semiconductor Advanced Manufacturing

Semiconductor Advanced Manufacturing Photo

Are you looking to enter a popular, hands-on career with fantastic growth potential? Are you looking for job growth and great wages? Scan here to learn more Consider a well-paying, stable job in manufacturing

Schedule: Summer 2024 – Summer 2025- must be available for the entire 12-month period

This is a multi-stage program

Stage 1: Semiconductor Discovery - Summer 2024

Jump into career exploration and job readiness training with Hired

Discovery Virtual Information Session


Held every Tuesday from 1-2:30 PM starting July 9 on Zoom (attend just one)

  • Stage 1: Semiconductor Discovery Summer 2024 (hybrid - in person and virtual) Jump into career exploration and job readiness training with Hired. Learn about semiconductor manufacturing, see a clean room, take tours and meet employers, Build job readiness, customer service, and digital skills. 
  • Stage 2: Semiconductor Earn & Learn Pre-Apprenticeship Fall 2024 - Summer 2025 (In Person) You will get paid $20/hour as you work, learn, and train at Polar or Seagate. You will have the chance to move into $25/hour apprenticeship. Employee benefits include health insurance, regular breaks and paid time off. Earn 12-credits with Normandale Community College and a credential. 
  • Stage 3: Semiconductor Credentials Summer 2025 (in person) Opportunity to move into a paid Technician Apprenticeship Program with Polar or Seagate

For more information and to apply, contact Chan Xiong, or 651-301-2586.


Chan Xiong Hired P: 651-301-2586 W: For more information

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